
Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Gamers Indonesia in 3D LG and Events Let's Fight in 3D Game Festival

Success establish themselves at the forefront of 3D TV industry in Indonesia. LG Electronics Indonesia held a "Lets Fight in 3D" a festival game that gives pleasure in enjoying the experience of playing the game first and largest 3D nuanced in several cities in Indonesia, namely Surabaya, Medan, Bandung and Jakarta.

Son Terry Santoso, Flat Panel Display Product Marketing, PT LG Electronics Indonesia said this title is a celebration of a new era of 3D in Indonesia and the success of LG being the industry leader in 3D TV owns a 46% market share of Indonesia based on research data Growth from Knowledge (GfK ).

"Through this festival games, LG wants to show that 3D TV technologies open up greater opportunities to be enjoyed together. Not just a movie, but also play games on a wider screen in 3D format, "he said.

In this festival, the contest challenged participants to play the game through the cunning game of DoTA and FIFA impressions that have been converted from 2D into 3D format by LG Cinema 3D TV technology with depths up to 20. Remarkably, the product is supported technology from LG Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) that allows both eyes to catch the signal from the screen while watching TV simultaneously.

As a result, the participants of the competition games only require glasses with polarized lenses (polarized lenses) are lightweight weighs 16 grams and requires no electrical or battery power, so free from dizziness due to the effects of flicker (flicker) and electromagnetic waves.

Speaking of the success of LG Cinema 3D TV, Terry Son Santoso added, since it was first released in mid-April last year, sales of LG Cinema 3D TV is constantly increasing. Throughout the year 2011 this LG has been able to market the LG Cinema 3D TV around 3,000 units per month.

This increase was driven increasingly teredukasinya community about 3D TV, including an increasingly affordable price. "Technology LG Cinema 3D TV highly qualified and supported after-sales service network are spread into the capital market competition to win the LG 3D TVs this year," he concluded.

Photos from the Event Let's Fight In 3D: